Monday, January 24, 2011

ugh Monday

not usually a hate Monday type person, but after today, I could see it happening.  Today just wasn't my day.  But the day isn't over.  It could still end either way.  Just waiting for all the players to show up.  Regardless, things need to change.  I'm just not sure what, specifically, yet.
It's so cold in the house, but after seeing the last gas bill, I'm loathe to turn up the heat and be warm.  We just don't have that kind of money.  And speaking of money, since tax time is upon us - how DARE the government give away money to some and expect others to pay it back!  It came out of my pocket in the first place and it's not like we're super rich and can afford to have them keep money from us.  We're part of the poor middle-class and I'm tired of the government taking my money and giving it to whomever they wish.  That's stealing!  ENOUGH already!  Who does the government think they are, anyway?!  My God only asks me to give 1/10 of what I make, so who do they think they are demanding more?  And how dare those celebrities and 'super stars' get on their high horse and tell me I need to help my fellow man and then go back to the mansion they  live in.  If they were so concerned about the poor, they would live in a moderately sized house, I mean, how many people actually live in their 35 bedroom houses anyway?!  One person, maybe two.  Anyway, they would live in a smaller house and give their money to the poor.  I would give to the poor and help the unfortunate, but the GOVERNMENT already has all my money!  I would like to help and it makes me sad that I can't, but I don't have it.  ENOUGH with the social programs already, let me decide who to give my money to.  I think I can make a better decision than them anyway.  You can't help anybody else until you have your own self set up.  I'm near poor.  Taking every thing from me and helping the poor only creates more poor.  It doesn't help anybody.
I think I'm done now.

1 comment:

  1. I agree... our government needs improvement.

    My heating bill is outrageous as well.

    Keep your head up, and never stop believing in yourself.

